Notes from the studio

Towel Studio featured on Deutsche Manufakturenstraße

Towel Studio featured on Deutsche Manufakturens...

We’re please to announce that Towel Studio has been featured on Deutsche Manufakturenstraße. Initiated by the Direktorenhaus Museum for Art, Craft and Design in Berlin, Deutsche Manufakturenstraße is a project which aims to increase...

Towel Studio featured on Deutsche Manufakturens...

We’re please to announce that Towel Studio has been featured on Deutsche Manufakturenstraße. Initiated by the Direktorenhaus Museum for Art, Craft and Design in Berlin, Deutsche Manufakturenstraße is a project which aims to increase...

We’re on Unsplash!

We’re on Unsplash!

Unsplash is a vibrant library community featuring user created photography that is free for anyone to use. We’ve uploaded a number of photos from our workshop and knitting machinery. You can view our collection...

We’re on Unsplash!

Unsplash is a vibrant library community featuring user created photography that is free for anyone to use. We’ve uploaded a number of photos from our workshop and knitting machinery. You can view our collection...